Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Updates on Wyatt & Mama

Good morning everyone!
Not much has changed yet. Wyatt is still breathing too quickly for the doc to be happy yet. His breathing does slow when David or I hold him. According to my mom, the nurses said his breathing has slowed down, but it's not quite down enough yet. He's been fed via a tube since yesterday and we are going to try a bottle today. IF he can breathe well while on the bottle, then we can try breast feeding tonight. I've been pumping since yesterday so he's been getting all that colostrum.

I finally got to hold him last night for a while. I held him while he was fed and we snuggled quite a bit. I finally got to see his eyes! He seems very easy going. He doesn't get upset easily. Even when he does get upset, he just scrunches his face and *might* let out a squeak. It's so adorable!

I'm hoping he'll be out of the Special Care Unit sometime today. We'll see how it goes. Please keep praying for him! I've been pretty loopy, so what I can remember of what I've been told is that this complication (it starts with a T, but I can't remember the name) is caused by fluid in the lungs. He came out feet first and probably swallowed some fluid. Since he didn't cry to push out all that fluid, he's having to breathe it off. Again, I was pretty drugged yesterday and don't have a super clear understanding of it all.

As for me... at this very moment I'm feeling pretty good (of course, I haven't stood up yet, I'm just sitting up and still livin' large on pharmaceuticals). I slept really well last night and woke up once to pump. I am sitting up today already and gotten somewhat dressed. I'm hoping the IV will come out today. I plan to get up and moving as much as I can today. I'm pretty stiff and very very sore.

I'm just praying that I can hold my son today and hopefully he'll be able to come in with me today. I'm praying he will still nurse even though he's not had an opportunity to try it. Pray that nursing will work for us!

Thank you all for your notes and prayers! I can definitely feel them surrounding me! Hopefully we'll be able to go home tomorrow, but we'll see how Wyatt is doing today. David has to go in tomorrow or Thursday to pick up his orders so he can start out processing.

I'll update again soon and hopefully have more pictures too!


  1. Hang in there! I'll be praying for the breast feeding. I remember feeling like such a failure when Aiden wasn't able to nurse! Eventually I realized that as long as he was eating and growing, that's what really mattered. I've managed to nurse Madeline now for 10 months and have almost completely dried up and now I'm having to struggle with the same feelings! Kudos to you for pumping right now - the colostrum is soo good for Sir Wyatt!! I am praying that his lungs clear up asap and you two can snuggle and bond. I am soooo jealous that you get to smell that newborn smell & hear the newborn squaks. *almost* makes me want another :)

  2. Prayers that he is out of SCU this afternoon and back in your arms to snuggle with.
    That is great you are pumping already for him.. Prayers your BF works. He isn't used to a bottle either so that is good.

  3. Good job Mommy!! HE is BEAUTIFUL :)

  4. Congrats to both of you! Sending up prayers that things will go smoothly.



  5. Praying that he's out of the NICU and in your arms soon!

    Is it Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn that they are saying he has? VERY common in new babes, no matter which way they come! Hang in there, and know that you both are in our prayers.
