Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Packing up...

Wyatt has grown out of all of his 0-3 month clothes. I'm amazed and sad all at the same time. I went through all of his clothes today to box up all the tiny stuff. It's all so tiny and cute and I remember when it was all too big for him. He didn't get to wear some of those little outfits more than 2 or 3 times. It's all just so adorable! I can't believe that I'm already packing away part of his history.

Wyatt is still amazing and doing very wonderful. The zantac is the miracle drug! He hasn't been colicky since we started it. Our evenings are spent listening to coo's and seeing smiles. Wyatt is very smiley. He's a very happy little guy and the bright spot in my day. He loves to snuggle and be snuggled. I've been wearing him as much as we can. I love wearing him and I'm getting addicted to wraps! I'm having to rein myself in. I'd love to go buy more and more--then I could coordinate with my outfits!

Wyatt is still sleeping through the night. I'm in shock. I don't know who's kid this is, but I'd like to keep him! I never slept through the night. I didn't think MY kid would be sleeping this soon. I figure our second kid will be the kid I deserve. Wyatt loves his bath time and if he's having a bad night, all we have to do is put him in a bath. I thought I'd share some of his bath time.

He still hasn't giggled/laughed yet. He's so close to it. David is TDY this week and I'm hoping that Wyatt won't giggle until his daddy can see it. David will miss out on so many firsts, I really want him to be here for this one. Please pray that Wyatt will save his giggles for Daddy and that Daddy will be home when he does.


  1. He's outgrown 0-3 months!?! WOAH! My boys still fit in them with room!! (They seem a little tighter with cloth diapers than they would be in a disposable). What a big growing boy! Crazy.

  2. Kristina, you and David have been blessed with an absolutely adorable little boy. That smile just made my day. Everytime one of these cranky BLMers frown at me, I'm going to picture that wonderful smile, smile myself and go on. Also, I have never seen the "wrap" and wondered what you were talking about on Facebook. That is so neat, allows you to do other things and still keep him close to your heart; which I'm sure makes him feel very secure. One last note...you write really well! Dona

  3. If grandma is there for too long, he will be a giggler sooner or later. lol
    Aunt Becky

  4. HI there! Great to see all the pictures! Can't believe how Wyatt is growing! You'll be shopping for pre-teen stuff before you know it! ha! Glad to see you're getting around ok. One thing about your life - it's never DULL!

    Big hugs,
