Friday, May 8, 2009

Wyatt's growing!

Wyatt got checked out today and he weighed in at 10 lbs, 7 oz!! He also got an inch longer to make him 21" now! He is doing absolutely fantastic and is just perfect. Today he even smiled at us for the first time on purpose! He was in his car seat and I got close to him in preparation of taking him out. I said, "Hi sweetie!" and he grinned at me. I got excited and told David, so he came over and I repeated, "Hi Sweetie!" and Wyatt smiled AGAIN! It was so wonderful to share that together. I never knew a little person smiling at me would be so amazing.


  1. Aren't those first smiles just amazing!? The rest that follow are as well, but the first ones are just so very special! I hope I get to see him while you are here in town!

  2. I can't believe he's so big already! You must have some whole milk in there! haha :-) That's great! Keep it up and enjoy those smiles. I still get super excited when my boys never gets old!
