We just came back from Wyatt's 4 month check up. He did fantastically!! He was a bit grumpy since he didn't sleep hardly at all last night and was refusing to nap. So instead of being his happy, smiley self, he looked at the doc with his lower lip out on the verge of crying the whole time.
He came in at 15 lbs, 2 oz. and 24 3/4" long. He is in the 60th percentile all around. He's very healthy and gaining well. The pediatrician said we could start rice cereal, but I think we are going to hold off. There is absolutely no reason to right now. He's healthy, he's gaining weight well, he's happy. I don't think we need to introduce solid foods. She said that it was just for "practice" to learn how to eat with a spoon and when he's 6 months, I need to introduce veggies. She mentioned that many breastfed babies have a hard time transitioning to spoons so that's why she suggests the rice cereal so that he can take to solids a bit better in 2 months. I asked if there was any real hurry or deadline and if he had trouble and didn't really get it down until 9+ months then is that a problem? She said no. Since he's doing so well, I think we are just going to stick with what we are doing for now.
In the last 2 days, Wyatt has starting rolling a LOT. He has started using rolling as a mode of transportation. It's wierd to set him down and when I look back, he's not where I left him! He's starting to scoot a bit too, but its not realy intentional. We are staying with Adriana right now and Wyatt is getting some quality time in with his girlfriend in. She is still stealing his pacifier and smashing him with love. It's adorable!! He is much happier when she is around. The only sad part is that when one of them cries, the other one gets very sad too. So, we get crying in stereo. It's still adorable. Right now as I type, she is trying to shove his pacifier up his nose and he's grinning from ear to ear. She loves to rub his head and tries to grab the peach fuzz that is posing as his hair. He likes to hold her hands (though, it may just be to keep her hands from stealing the pacifier... we're not sure).
The next few days will be very busy. I will be out of the area by Friday afternoon. I am looking forward to it, but sad to be leaving so many new and old friends.
He's so adorable and getting BIG! I can't wait to see y'all again! The wrap looks great! How did you get it done that way? I went to get some fabric, but it was about 55 dollars, so I had to pass at the moment. Hurry up and come out to the Springs! LOL
ReplyDeleteThe Baby has grown so much, and you are looking so good. And Wyatt still looks great in bright orange. Thanks for sharing all this stuff....and thankfully it is unexciting, normal, and happy. There has been enough excitement to last a season or two.
ReplyDeleteSee you soon.
Is it just me or does wyatt always look confused?