Well, we have started Iraq Chapter 3 for our family. David got going with no major hiccups or issues. It was a crazy busy day (heavy on the crazy), and time is never enough in these situations. I don't know if I should say "fortunately" or "unfortunately"... but I'm getting used to this and it is getting easier. It's nice to have the confidence in myself to know that I will be ok. I have a plan. I know that it is going to be a good year. David's crew is a fantastic team and I know they are going to accomplish great things and also become a cohesive team. There are several spouses who I have met and we have a great time together!! Today two other girls spent today with me to help us distract ourselves! (We did a little damage at IKEA---yaayyy for retail therapy!)
The day started with a bang. We got up and loaded up the truck with David's ruck sack (I think that was heavier than me!), his duffel bag, and Cory. We all headed to David's office intending to just drop him off. However, a little man named Wyatt decided he was hungry RIGHT NOW. So all of us piled out of the truck and into David's office (including Cory) to give Wyatt more breakfast. From there Wyatt, Cory, and I got BACK into the truck and we headed to the boarding kennel. I got Cory dropped off (and it only took 3 trips to the truck & back--I just don't have a lot of arms--one holds the baby and that means very little room left for cargo). He is spending a few days at the kennel to stay out from under foot with all the packing & moving. After all that, we headed BACK to David's office just in time for lunch. We were able to escape back to the apartment to pick up a few more things to throw into a tough box for David (instead of me having to mail it) and then went to lunch. David wanted Cracker Barrel and some chicken fried steak & eggs. I got a little choked up there as the reality of the day started to settle in. We didn't have a lot of time to be sappy though--it was back to work for David. We got back on post and the flurry of activity began. He dropped off his bags at the gym, ran to the office for the tough box, ran to the TMC to drop off records, back to the gym to put his pocket knives in his bags, back to the office to clean up some emails, then into the van to go check weapons. This is where we went separate ways. David had to go get his weapon, I went to get something to drink and start waiting for him at the gym.
It was more than an hour before David was able to join us at the gym. Once he got there, there was more busyness. We did a casing ceremony of the colors, then had just a few more minutes together. We said our good-byes and then they all filed out to the bus. And he was gone. It was sad, but it was manageable. I tear ed up, but I didn't sob or get too upset. I joked with some of the girls, and then we headed out (after all the buses were out of sight). One of the girls came over last night and we just had a really good visit.
Today I moved us out of the apartment and came to Adriana's house. I don't know what I would do without Adriana. She continually saves the day. I might have to make her a superhero cape!! She came to help get us out of the apartment, and then gave me her giant king size bed to camp out on for the next few days. We decided to get out of town, so we went to IKEA. It's quite an experience!! I did a little bit of damage and had a lot of fun!! It was great hanging out with the girls and it was a fantastic way to divert my brain.
I can tell that there are a lot of people praying for us. It's very evident. I've been doing so well and while it's not been super easy, it's definitely easier than the deployment departures in the past. Wyatt is doing amazing and we are more than ok! I'm sure reality will set in one of these days, but for now we are doing fantastically and just focused on everything coming up. THANK YOU all for your prayers. Please know that God has made Himself known every day and I appreciate all of your prayers so very much.
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