We had a very relaxing Independence Day! We all slept in (even Wyatt!) and had a very leisurely morning. We loaded up and went shopping for a video camera, had a delicious lunch, more shopping, then we went to the rodeo in Belton. It was a very relaxing day. We had a good time even though it was ridiculously hot outside. We spent all of the day inside, so it worked out.
Wyatt enjoyed his first rodeo so much, he slept right through it!
The rodeo was an evening rodeo and didn't finish until almost 10pm! We didn't get to see fireworks this year. It was a bit disappointing, but we weren't too upset. It really was miserably hot and fireworks are an outdoor activity. We saw a few fireworks on the drive home from people setting them off in their yards. That was kind of fun. Over all, we had a good Independence Day and a very fun weekend.
For now, we are headed up to Dallas for David to get some flight time in. I'm confident I can find some good shopping up there. haha!! The hotel we are staying at has an indoor pool. I am planning for Wyatt & me to get some good swimming time in--it will be the first time in a pool for him. I might be able to convince David to do the pool tonight so that he can take pictures of us. He will be working the entire week, so tonight is the only chance to have a photographer. I need to go get us packed so we can drop Cory off at the boarding place and we can hit the road!
OH--most importantly... I know you want to see pictures. HERE (click the word "here") are a few from the last several weeks. These pictures were mostly taken by my mom. I've taken a few since she left, but not nearly as many.
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