In the midst of packing, sorting, stuffing, and such we stopped today to celebrate the most glorious event to ever happen to mankind--the resurrection of our Savior, Christ Jesus!
Our morning started early since my mom & I were working until about 1:30am last night! Sure enough, Wyatt was up about an hour and a half after I finally fell into bed. He's been a fantastic sleeper the whole time, but last night he had violent hiccups and we were up for a while. Poor kiddo! Today we all got dressed up and headed to church. Wyatt was beyond adorable in his little sweater vest and dress shirt! (of course I'm a bit biased).
The Easter Bunny was good to Wyatt this year--brought him a little chick basket, a new Bible, a jumping frog, a beanie bunny, and a little rolling chicken toy. Daddy took the Cadburry Eggs and mommy enjoyed the peeps on Wyatt's behalf. Oh--and the Easter Bunny left a new movie for both Wyatt at mommy--Fern Gully!!
We went to church and enjoyed a delicious brunch and Wyatt wowed everyone. Everyone was so excited to see him. He got told how beautiful he was about every minute! He's already got a huge fan base. Everyone is really bummed that we are moving and they won't get to enjoy Wyatt for long. After brunch we all moved into the gym
After church, we headed home and enjoyed a casserole that Stephanie was wonderful enough to prepare for us while I was in the hospital! We had ground turkey baked ziti. It was DELICIOUS!! After lunch, we packed up the freezers into the cooler, packed up the seasonings cabinet and loaded mom & dad's car. Mom & dad headed home this afternoon. I'm still secretly hoping mom wants to move in with me. She has been a priceless help these last 2 weeks. I'm apprehensive about tonight, but I remind myself that many moms have survived without their mom. Plus she deserves to go back to her life as many many many people missed her these two weeks.
Once mom left, Wyatt & I enjoyed a nap and just took the day to rest. We are still being abundantly blessed with dinners from our church family. Those have been absolute life savers! I am still quite sore from the c-section as I have not had the opportunity to truly rest. My mom did most of the work, but I still had to keep moving, making decisions, etc. The surgery took a lot out of me and I'm definitely feeling it. I am so thankful for all of you who have brought us meals. It has really helped more than I can express!
To finish on a fun note... things we've learned about Wyatt in the last 2 weeks:
He already has a favorite blanket--it's a soft mink-type blanket that has airplanes all over it! I swear to you that he has picked this one out all on his own! You should see him snuggle into it as soon as it touches him!
He LOVES bath time--especially getting his hair washed and then getting wrapped in his towel from Mary Jane for snuggle time with Daddy. He & daddy definitely like the post-bath time the best!
He loves music! We have some music channels with our digital cable. One of David & my favorite stations is called "Singers & Standards." Wyatt settles anytime that is on. He loves the music on his bassinet too.
He loves car rides! He hates getting buckled into the seat, but once we are moving, he is very happy!
He loves being "worn" in our sling! He snuggles in and usually goes right to sleep. He likes to look up at me and just take in the world. I strap him on every time we go out and he does fantastic!
We all hope that all of you had a magnificent Easter!
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