Wyatt is already racking up experience as an Army brat! Yesterday the packers came to pack & load all the things I'm taking with me to AZ. It was a flurry of people all moving quickly and noisy taping up boxes and emptying my house. Wyatt slept through the entire thing! He was right in the middle of it all and completely unaware. He's a great sleeper and noise doesn't bother him a bit--dogs barking, TV, vacuum, or movers don't wake him.
The house is looking rather empty. David says it reminds him of his bachelor days. Day after tomorrow we make our first leg of the adventure. We will head to AZ to meet Wyatt's GGpa's (great grandpa's), cousins, and aunts & uncles as well as receive the household goods from the movers. We will also be there to celebrate my sister's birthday! I'm looking forward to the visit. It will be a quick trip, but I'm hoping we'll have time to rest a bit. From AZ we will head back here to load up everything we need for TX. Then we'll go to Abq to visit with David's Aunt & Uncle, then on to Santa Fe. We'll spend 2 nights in SF just to enjoy it and take a short family vacation. From SF we will head to Colorado Springs for Uncle Robert's retirement from the Navy and visit with cousins, aunt & uncle, and most importantly BamBam & Grandpa Holt! After that, David will drive to TX and Wyatt will take his first airplane trip! This kid is getting all kinds of experience and he's not even a month old!
Wyatt's doing fantastic. He's just amazing and he's growing like a weed! He's already starting to fill out his newborn sized clothing! Here are a few more of the pictures I took. I had big intentions of editing them and making them pretty, but I haven't had a moment or the energy. Maybe when we get to TX and my to-do list is much shorter.
I love these! Can't wait to see you when you flit through my neck of the woods!