I thought I'd find a reason to share some pictures of our handsome little guy. We have had a great first day at home. Daddy slept in and snuggled with us in bed for our morning nursing. It was the perfect way to wake up. Wyatt is getting this nursing thing

down and he chowed down for about 45 minutes! Wyatt blessed us with a full night of sleep! He slept from 11:30-4am when I woke him up to feed him. He ate for almost an hour, then slept from 5-8:30! I hope this trend will continue, but I'm not holding my breath. :) Daddy helped get him dressed and then spent some time with all of our children--the dogs & Wyatt. Here is David helping get the dogs familiar with this new little person who lives here now.
Once David left for work, we got a few things done around the house (actually, I ate and my mom was helping get stuff done). Wyatt hung out in his bouncer while I got a few phone calls made (it's amazing how many doc ap

pointments we have to do in the next few days/weeks), some stuff ordered, and my list for today made. I've been going a bit stir crazy and ready to get out for a bit. We loaded up and headed to Target to get a few boy things. I found Wyatt his Easter outfit, picked up some shoes, and also a few sleepers. It was tough to keep myself in check. It was a fun shopping day! Wyatt spent the time in our ring sling and he snuggled into me and slept the entire time. I did pretty good at the store, but then it all kind of caught up to me at once. We headed home and it was nap time for all!
During nap time, Wyatt hung out in the living room in his bouncer (so I didn't get waken by every grunt and sigh) while my mom got to work! She helped organize all of Wyatt's things so we can see what we have and what we still need. We don't really need anything since we've been so abundantly blessed by our friends and families. The only thing we need to pick up is a diaper pail.
My friend Kristy brought dinner over and it was great to vi

sit with her! After dinner, Wyatt got his first round of colic. David is amazing and snuggled him for over an hour while Wyatt screamed and cried. It broke my heart, but David got him settled and rubbed his tummy. After an hour or so, we switched. Right now, Wyatt is out cold snuggled up on David's chest. It's the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.
That was incredibly sweet! I'm glad you guys are doing well!