Liz is probably the closest and most devoted friend I have. She's one of the most remarkable women I've ever met and I miss her terribly! God gave me Elizabeth as a friend on April 20, 2003. David was in Iraq for the first time and he'd not been gone very long. I had been praying for a good girl friend who I could relate to. After awkwardly staring at her through the entire beginning of Easter service, I finally scootched to the end of the aisle and whispered "Hey, do you want to sit together?" and the rest was history!
Elizabeth has never been farther west than Ft. Hood, TX (where we met). I was so excited to show her the desert and the beauty here that no one really expects. We had such a wonderful visit and I enjoyed showing her around!
The next day we went to Bisbee & Tombstone. We stopped at the junk store in Bisbee and had waaayyyy too much fun just fondling and laughing at all of the items there. Liz's favorite part was the picture of someone's hiney for sale. Seriously. It was a black & white picture... and it was a saggy hiney. We weren't sure why they had such a high price tag on it. Then, we saw these classic hair salon chairs... oh boy we had fun!
From Bisbee we headed over to Tombstone. No trip to Tombstone is complete without the fun old time picture. We made sure to make it to the picture place and we were one of the last people to make it before it closed. The experience was a bit awkward as they give you these outfits with very little back to them (I'm thinking a hospital gown is about the same coverage). They gave us these men's boxers and then an outfit. There were signs all over the dressing room that we were NOT to tie the outfits. It wasn't too bad until we went out and there were strangers there and we both felt very exposed. Plus, it was COLD! We were barefoot on this very very very cold wooden floor. We had a good laugh getting ourselves ready.

We ended up gong back to Tombstone one more time to look for something for Liz to take home to her kids. We also went to Texas Canyon and drove through Sonoita. I don't have those pictures on this computer, so you will just have to imagine the beauty of those two places in your mind.
It was such a wonderful weekend. I was so blessed by our time together. It was the perfect break. I've missed Liz so very much. We always laugh together and we picked up right where we left off. I already miss her like crazy and really wish Ohio was a bit closer!
I had the greatest time too! and miss you terribly!! why oh why couldn't we live closer!!