Look at those big baby... grays? browns? hazels?

Today Wyatt has discovered that he can get his belly off the floor AND move at the same time! He's not moving fast yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of hours before he is.
We also had another follow up with the pediatrician today. Wyatt still has fluid on his ears, a ton of congestion, and still some coughing from his bronchitis. However, he has improved quite a bit since Wednesday. He's gained back his weight and he's back to 18 lbs. 6 oz. I'm relieved that he's gained some weight back! The doctor isn't worried yet. He says that there IS fluid, but his ears aren't infected right now. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and he's not had a fever now for a few days! The congestion concerns me much more than the it concerns the doctor. He said today, "snot happens in little people." I guess we'll keep going with our routines of humidfiers & vicks vapo-rub. Until this clears, I am tempted to change his name to "Sir Snots A Lot." Poor kid!

He's a happy boy though. He's been happy all day today. He's been giggly and playful all day. It's been wonderful to have my happy boy back!
Here are some pics from today. This is a good show of what color his eyes are. What is your guess? I can't figure out what to call them other than "not blue." haha!! Put your vote of eye color in the comment section!!
Look--TEETH! Both are through and this is the first picture that I've been able to see them!

Hazel!!! ~Laurie
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is he is so handsome. I will comment on eye color when I hopefully see you this spring.
ReplyDeleteI say Hazel! Love the shirt btw! ~Sarah
ReplyDeleteHe so cute! You make a beautiful baby.
ReplyDeleteSo cute, such a wonderful time. i loved when my son was potty training, we had a lot of fun in that stage!!! He is seven now and it flies by, so enjoy.