This is Wyatt in his walker. He loves his walker. He can make this thing go fast! However, it has started a new game in our house called "Where's Wyatt?" He disappears before your very eyes! You go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, by the time you've taken a swallow, he's GONE!
This is the view we normally
Then he takes off! His favorite place is down the hall--specifically the laundry room. There are fascinating things in the laundry room! There is the washer, the doggy door, and most interesting (and apparently yummy) is the dog food! Where there is dog food, there are dogs! He LOVES the dogs!!
If he's not discovering the laundry room or chasing the dogs, then he's in the kitchen. The kitchen is a smorgasbord of big fun! He likes to play with the chimes hanging off of the cabinet handle (actually there just for little people). Or maybe help with the dishes...
But his absolute FAVORITE thing is pulling down and playing with dish towels! He grabs them and then takes off! He swings them about so victoriously. He will run to ggpa to show them off. If I try to grab it so I can use it, he runs away--swinging it in the air as he goes. If he's upset or bored or irritated that it's taking too long to make dinner... just give the kid a dish towel!
He's made me panic a few times when he discovers a new place and I can't find him. I'm sure this is just the beginning of many many times where my heart falls into my stomach. But for now, I'm just laughing at the idea that we now have to holler, "Wyyyaaattt... where arrrreee yoooouuu??"
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