We saw the doctor yesterday to do his 4 month shots. We are a month behind, but that's fine. The new doc is WONDERFUL and he did a complete check up of Wyatt. Right now, He is 15 lbs, 8 oz. He is 26.5" long. His head is 44.5 cm around (this kid has a big noggin!). He is in the 33%ile for weight, but in the 76%ile for height. He's gonna be a tall, skinny kid with a big round head! He has the perfect shaped head to be bald... which is good since he IS bald!!
He did really well with the doctor yesterday. He smiled and talked to the doc the entire time. He had a new nurse practitioner with him and she observed and then checked him over too. Wyatt really liked her and smiled pretty big once she got there. He's already a big flirt! He sees a pretty girl and lights up. Of course they come over to smile back at him and just encourage this behavior! I'm dreading jr. high & high school already. :)
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