My baby is growing up!! I hate it! I love watching him learn and grow, but I want him to stop!! This week, we started solid foods. He LOVES it!! He's been very interested in eating and watching us put food into our mouths. He gets rather grumpy at the table when we are eating and he isn't. He kept trying to grab at my food, and that helped me decide he was ready for cereal. I didn't want to start it until 6 or more months old, but he was so ready. I'm unsure as to if I like it or not. He spits up all the time now. He had quit doing that. Now it seems like he's spitting up all day long. And it's slimy. Not loving that. Plus.. the diapers are stinky now! I really enjoyed the non-stinky nursing-only diapers!
He's not sitting up yet, but he sure wants to. He's been rolling to travel. The other day he had a blow out all over the blanket on the floor. I got him changed and set him back down on the floor. I wrapped up the blanket and the pj's he had soiled to put them in the washer. When I came back to the room, he was gone!! I had to catch my breath for just a second. He had rolled himself under the desk! He was quite proud of himself too. So far, he's gotten under the desk, under the couch, out of the living room & into the hall, wedged in the saw horses (still remodeling over here). The problem is that he gets stuck because he can only roll in one direction. He gets rolled into a corner and then hollers for me because he can't get out.
Cory & Wyatt are best buds. Cory just has to walk by and Wyatt will break into a big smile. Wyatt always reaches for Cory and Cory tolerates kisses, slobbers, pulled hair, and more. Cory will just snuggle up to Wyatt on the floor. It's adorable! Cory is very protective of Wyatt too. If there is any thing/person/dog that Cory feels is a threat, he gets between the threat & Wyatt and squares himself up. He's growled a few times. It's kind of cool to see!
Everything is going really well. Time seems to be flying over here. Before I know it, another week is gone. It's nice that the deployment is going so fast. However, it just goes to show that once you have kids, time becomes jet-fueled.
I just wanted to agree with what you said, time does become jet-fueled. I still think Kailee should be Wyatt's size and she will be 3 in 1 month!! I guess for you that is a good thing right now, hope the rest of David's deployment goes well and fast. Thank him for his service! (and yours too!)