We are back at Ft. Hood... for the 3rd time in David's career. It's funny how David said he'd "Never go to Ft. Hood," and he discovered that "never" is about 6 months long (from when he made that declaration) and not only would he go there, he'd go there a LOT! It's warm and humid here. I am trying to adjust to it. Wyatt gets really sweaty and doesn't want to be held when he's that hot. I'm hoping the humidity will help with his baby acne. We've already connected with a few friends and it's been wonderful to see everyone! I'm excited about our friends here that we will see in the near future.
It has been a very very very busy couple of weeks for us. I will try and catch you all up and share as many pictures as possible! We started our move 2 (or is it 3?) weeks ago. We first went to Sierra Vista to drop off David's truck and to take some things for me. We also wanted to make sure Wyatt could meet his Great Grandparents. We had a very good time and a busy week. We got some great pictures of them all together and it was a fun visit. It went super fast and felt very short. We were able to get a trailer full of hay for Houdini and managed to do a pool party/bbq at Gpa & Fran's house.
From SV, we went back to Las Cruces. We spent an extra day there because we just couldn't get it all done. We stuffed the Civic full of things we need for the next 3 months (and in David's case, the next year) and pulled it behind the expedition. If it wasn't for our friends Heather & Ryan & Ashley we'd probably still be stuck in Cruces. They were absolutely life savers. Ryan helped David in stuffing things into the car (they used every crevice available) while Heather & Ashley helped pack my bags. Wyatt was not feeling good the day I had planned to pack & I wasn't getting nearly enough done. Everything I had packed previously needed to be re-packed into smaller bags. You know you have good friends when they are packing all your clothes... ALL of the clothes. We finally got out of Cruces and headed North.
Yes, I said North. We took the very long way to Texas. We came to Ft. Hood via Colorado Springs! Before we got to the Springs, we stopped in Albuquerque. We saw David's aunt & uncle (who got completely mushy over Wyatt--so adorable). They fed us some very yummy BBQ and I got to nap on their couch. It was a perfect break for all of us--including the dogs who played in the back yard! From there, we went to meet the Welch's who are childhood friend's of David's. It was a short visit as we were all tired and had to keep going up I-25. We spent two nights in Santa Fe to have some time for just the three of us! We spent the day in the mountains and just cruising around SF. The new train station is VERY cool!
From SF we headed up to Colorado Springs! We were there for a week and so much happened that it needs to be another post. Wyatt met his grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins. We went to Garden of the Gods, saw Uncle Robert retire, had family pictures, visited friends stationed at Carson, explored Co Springs... and more! I took a ton of pictures & you can see them as soon as I figure out the Kodak gallery thingy.
After a week in Colorado, David drove to Killeen (15.5 hours) while Wyatt & I hung out for an extra day. We flew in last night. Today we
I have a lot to do once David goes to work next week: Wyatt's birth announcements, catch up the baby book, write my thank you notes (my sincerest appologies for not having those out to all of you yet) and get us all unpacked! I'm looking forward to cooking again--we've eaten out enough!!
I am glad you made it and I really hope you can get some rest soon!