Well everyone... we are in Killeen, TX. Seven years ago when we arrived, I remember being overwhelmed by the crowds here and intimidated by the aggressive drivers. I said to David, "I can tell we'll be in an accident before we leave here." We were never in an accident that first trip to Ft. Hood, but my prophecy did come true with this trip to Hood.
Last Thursday we were in a car accident. Everyone is ok! We were t-boned by a small truck and the front passenger door took the hit. Wyatt & David are perfect and fine. Wyatt only had a few scratches from glass on his scalp and David is just sore all over. I was sitting in the front passenger seat and took the brunt of the impact. My Expedition did it's job and all I have are some scratches from glass and a broken ankle. The cab crushed around me, but didn't crush me. I had to be cut out since my right leg was wedged into the car. Both Wyatt & I had our first ambulance ride, but all is well.
I have a fractured medial tibia. That's right in the joint of my ankle. I went in for a follow up yesterday and we learned that I need surgery. They will pin the break together and possibly a pin on the other side depending on the ligament damage. I will be on crutches for at least 6 more weeks. I'm not sure how to function with a newborn and crutches.
In all this, we are dealing with insurance and need to replace my Expedition. We have the little civic right now, but I'm sure you can understand that it's a little nerve wracking being in such a small car right now.
It's hard to process all the changes & challenges we have been through in the last 2 months. In a span of 2 months we have had a baby, packed up our house, moved with a detour for family visits, arrived in a new location, been in a car accident, and now headed for more surgery. On the horizon we have many long hours for David, plus his deployment, plus Wyatt & me moving to AZ. Oh yeah... and a new car for me, several different casts, and who knows what else!
I go in today at 11:15am and surgery will be around 12:15pm. We could use lots of prayer for strength, wisdom, and comfort. Pray for David as he is very worried about us and also really tired. He's had to take over lots of care for me & Wyatt. He's not had much rest. We had planned on this week in TX to be his opportunity to rest before he deploys and that didn't go so well. He won't have any down time now until he returns from Iraq. Pray that I can continue to be creative in ideas for ways to make this situation work (my best idea so far is to grow 2 more arms--then I have a pair for the crutches and a pair to hold the baby so we can move around. Sadly, I don't think this plan will work!).
Right now, I'm so thankful for Adriana & Eric who picked us up from the hospital and even had a car seat available to us. Adriana will be taking care of us while David is at work to be a spare set of arms and/or legs for me during the day. She & Elizabeth (her 9 month old daughter) are such wonderful friends and I'm excited about our time together. I'm thankful for Kim & Sarah who are prepared to come out here at a moment's notice to live with me the week David is TDY next month. I'm thankful for Stephanie for being ready to come out as soon as I say the word and for also getting the PWOC network going. I'm thankful for Liz who I know is praying her heart out for us right now.
We have had such an abundance of support already. I hate asking for more, but we do need it. I am praying that we can get a little bit of "boring" in our life soon! Please keep us all in prayer & I'd love to hear any brainstorming you have!
While we were in CO Springs, Sandy (I cannot remember her last name) took more family pictures of us. She is the amazing photographer who did the Holt Family pictures at Christmas in 2007! She was very kind and came to take some pictures of the three of us before church on Sunday. She generously gave us a photobook & CD plus she made a small wallet-sized book of pictures for David to carry with him while he's deployed. The pictures above are just a fraction of what she took! I thought I'd share them with you.
Hi guys,
ReplyDeletePraise God you are all ok, and weren't hurt worse. I hope the surgery goes smoothly, and recovery is quick.
Big hugs,
Hi Kristina, David and Wyatt!!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! I feel like I know so much about your lives since Wyatt was born!! I'm bad with keeping current with blog/emails, but I caught up on your blog today! I am so sorry to hear of your accident and will be praying for all your recoveries! Thank the Lord no one was any more injuried, but still, a broken ankle especially for a new mom is definately a handicap! I like the growing 2 more arms idea Kristina!! LOL! That would come in handy. I'm so glad you have help available only a phone call away- USE IT if you need it please! Wyatt is precious in the pictures and I'm sure 1000x more so in person! I'm so happy for you that you have a beautiful baby boy! When you have time, can you send me your address?
No stinking way! I truly want to share some hugely encouraging spiritual insight for you here, but this sounds just dang hard! I thought raising 6 kids and teaching 140 middle schoolers was hard. My life is cake compared to what you have. I am so sorry! When life serves you lemons...somewhere over the rainbow...is the glass half empty?...How about..."Consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds..." Love you!!!
ReplyDeleteokay, this is just crazy. I hope you are doing okay and surviving life on crutches. I sure hope you got your sleepy wrap b/c I think that might be beneficial at this point. Hang in there girl!! you can do it!