There has been a lot going on over here! We've stayed VERY busy. It's nice because it makes the time go by much faster.
Wyatt had his well-baby check this week. He's doing fantastic! He's 16 lbs. 5 oz. He's slowed down a bit on his weight gain, but he's getting quite long. He's 27" long (I think--I cannot remember clearly). The doc is happy with how Wyatt is doing.
Wyatt can sit up with support now. Not quite on his own yet, but he's getting close. We've finally put up the crib and he seems to like it for the most part. He sleeps a bit longer and he seems to be more comfortable.
Unfortunately, we have entered a new phase with lots of crying & screaming. It's wearing me out. For over a week, he's waken up in the middle of the night (between 1-4am) to just scream and cry at me for an hour. I'm exhausted. He's also become very clingy lately. If I leave the room, it's just devastating to him--at least that's how he carries on. Driving me slightly crazy. I'm guessing that this is teething and we just have to get through it. I just need some super human strength.

He's started eating more and more real food. I have some jarred food, but mostly we just mash up whatever we are eating and give him rice cereal. He LOVES to eat with us. He gets quite adamant that he needs more and more. Very rarely does he indicate fullness. He loves to eat and is always up for more big people food.
We went to the Pumpkin patch last weekend (well, the Pumpkin tent really). He had a great time! Poor kid was subjected to mommy with a new lens to play with. He took it well and I think I got some fun images. Enjoy!!

Have you tried Humphrey's Teething Tablets? You can get them at Walgreen's and they are homeopathic (sorry I know I spelled that wrong). They worked WONDERS for Mikey. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHe's about at the age to start separation anxiety. Colt still has problems with that. He will be in his high chair and if I walk around the corner he cries. Or even in my mom or grandmother's arms, if I walk away and he sees he freaks out. It is natural, just if you are going somewhere and leaving him (like the store or something) make sure you don't prolong the goodbye scene. He will grow out of it, but it lets you know how much you are loved. :-) Plus I am sure he realizes that D isn't there. He hasn't heard his voice or been around his smell, so it might make him more clingy to you as well. Hope y'all are well! Are you still coming to the Springs in November?