A girl will be Rebekah Dorothy.
A boy will be David Wyatt (he'll go by "Wyatt").
(At least for now, this is what we've chosen. We reserve the right to change them when we meet the little one.)
We love the meaning of David Wyatt (Beloved Little Warrior). Dorothy was my grandmother and the meaning of her name is "Gift from God." Rebekah was something we liked just because it's a pretty name and in David's words, "I've never met an ugly Rebekah, and they have all been girls who could hold their own." So, there ya go.
For a short update...
We've finished "phase 1" of the move. Houdini was moved to AZ and is happily settled at "Camp Grandma's." He is very content getting apple treats every day and attention from everyone there. I miss having him here, but there is a lot of stress off of me now. I wasn't able to really work with him anymore. This way, he's turned out in a big space and getting much more attention than I am able to give. I know after I give birth that I won't have the energy to work with him. This is just better for him and for me. He is very content though and here is a picture of him in his new digs.
You can also see in this picture that our baby is growing and going to be a big one!
Also I am now 37 weeks pregnant! I am considered "full term" now. So, this little one can show up any time now and I'd be ok with that (and this little one should be perfectly fine too!). If I can have this baby next weekend or next week, that would give me about a month to recover before we have to start driving everywhere. So, please please please pray that I will go into labor on my own and pretty soon! My midwife wants to induce me at 39 weeks in order to give me more recovery time. I do NOT want to be induced. I'd much rather go into labor on my own. However, it's hard to know how to measure an induction vs. no recovery time for going on my own and late. I know God has a plan in all of this, but I figure it can't hurt to put in a request or two. :)
I think that's about it from here. I hope all of you are having a wonderful week!
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