It has been waaayyy too long since I last updated. We have been insanely busy here. Lots going on over here!
A quick run down...
Wyatt is 18 1/2 lbs. He's 8 1/2 months old now (wow! how did that happen??). He is sitting up on his own and can low crawl at a pretty good speed. He can usually get to something he's not supposed to faster than I can catch him! He's so close to crawling that I expect it any moment now. He has spoken his first word, "Up." Meaning, pick me up, I want to jump, I don't want to do this any more... UP UP UP works for all of those things. He has also learned "uh-oh" and enjoys saying that over and over since it gets reactions from everyone!
Right now, the poor kid has an ear infection and bronchitis. We have already completed one round of antibiotics for the ear infection. Nine days later and the ear is still infected and now he has bronchitis. We have changed antibiotics and hopefully this will kick it. Please pray for him to feel better soon. We are flying to Colorado to see BamBam and Grandpa H this weekend and it will be a much better trip if he isn't feeling sick.
Wyatt still is a pleasant little boy who smiles at every pretty girl he sees. Makes it hard to get things done quickly when he's flirting with every girl in Target! We get stopped a LOT. Of course he turns on the charm for all of them. He's such a big flirt--I'm already dreading adolescence!
Today we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow!! Wyatt doesn't feel good, so he wasn't very interested. However, I took about 150 pictures (I'm not exaggerating) and enjoyed the views while they lasted--until about noon! haha!
I am going to try to get better at updating this thing. Here is a picture to tide you over until next time. :)