In other news... It's still crazy busy around here. Let me just summarize the last 7 days:
Wednesday--got my cast off, returned my scooter, picked up dad from the Airport in Austin.
Thursday--breakfast with David so dad could see him, time with mom and dad, then they get sent off.
Friday--Family Day at the lake for David's unit
Saturday--an AWESOME visit with Tom & Sheila who came up from Houston.
Sunday--church with a potluck, finishing up the family book for deployment that has consumed me for the past month
Monday--Wyatt & I spent ALL DAY at the unit to create & construct the books for deployment. Wyatt did amazing! I wore him all morning and he slept for 3 hours while I worked. Then he hung out in his stroller and was content all day! Now I am convinced this kid doesn't belong to me!! haha!! After we finished what we could of the books, it was time for our pre-deployment brief.
Tuesday--Today I am catching my breath! Wyatt & I slept until 9. We were both exhausted after yesterday (we all got home after 9pm!). I have about 4 loads of laundry to fold, I am desperately behind in cleaning, and I need to get bills paid.
Starting tomorrow, I have to take the FRG leadership courses for the next 2 days (again... I took it 5 years ago and I have plenty of experience, but it was "highly encouraged"). Then we have a 4 day weekend, then we are off to Dallas for David to get some flying done.
As always, I know that I need to share pictures of the little guy. I know that's the only reason some of you even read this--just to see the pictures. Of course, who knows if you are even reading this part, this could all just be filler around the pictures for you... So to keep you happy, here are some of my fav's. I have been REALLY bad about taking pictures this last week (I cannot imagine why, I've had absolutely nothing going on...).