Today David & I went up to Cloudcroft to enjoy their Mardi Gras celebration! We got there just in time for their parade and to enjoy some of their festivities. There was a tent with all kinds of fun stuff to do and roasted turkey legs on the grill outside. The weather was absolutely perfect and we had a great time! The dogs were very well behaved and just enjoyed all of the attention people were happy to give them. After we wandered around town (which is an entire 2 blocks), we drove up and played in the forest for a bit. There was snow on the mountains still. David & Cory were in heaven! The dogs ran and played for a good hour or so while I slowly hiked up to keep up with them. I got some pictures of everyone else playing and also had David take a few of me to show that Baby Holt is going to be a big one! We ended the day with a crawfish boil at a local restaurant. It was incredibly delicious and the perfect end to a perfect day!
We had a great day and we are so happy we were able to get away. This is probably the last time we'll get up the mountain before we leave here in a few weeks. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for this move so quickly after our little one arrives. We have a lot on our plates and in our minds and it's tough to get it all situated. Please keep us in prayer for wisdom, strength, and patience... and some creative thinking too! :)
I hope you all enjoy the pictures! We certainly had a good time while taking them!